Jack And Sarah [DVD] | Echo's Record Bar Online Store

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Jack (Richard E. Grant) is a man with a highly demanding job and a wife who is about to give birth. After a tragedy makes him a single parent his life is completely upended. He decides to employ Amy (Samantha Mathis), an inexperienced young waitress, as nanny to Sarah, the new baby. Although she is brought in to help out in his life, Amy manages to complicate it further. Judi Dench and Ian McKellen co-star. AMAZON.CO.UK REVIEW The story of a father and baby daughter, 1995's Jack and Sarah is the best cinematic depiction of what came to be known as "the 90s man". No matter how bad things get we know Richard E Grant will eventually learn to get in touch with his feelings and express his emotions. Grant plays Jack, whose reaction to the loss of his wife during childbirth is initially complete rejection followed by an alcoholic binge. Jack's family coax fatherhood from him easily enough however and this is where the film's heart lies. Brushing away the bitter beginning, Grant's comedic performance in juggling life around newborn baby Sarah is often hilarious: the image of the child in a sock hat being carried in a padded envelope is priceless. Bouncing off Grant's acting are some terrific cameos from Judi Dench as his stuffy mum and Sir Ian McKellen as a convincingly inebriated butler. Samantha Mathis plays an American waitress who provides a twist to the tale. There's genuine chemistry between her and Grant, specifically when they are both around the outrageously cute baby Sarah. Written and directed by Tim Sullivan, this is clearly a very personal expression of the meaning of family. Although backed by lots of Simply Red songs, it hopefully won't be one that's too quickly outdated. On the DVD: The ratio is confusingly stated as "Widescreen 4:3". Effectively it's an anamorphic 1:66:1 presentation giving a tad more edge than its video predecessor. Sound is in Dolby surround. The minimal extras are four repetitive TV spots and two theatrical trailers. --Paul Tonks

Product Details

Jack And Sarah
Cat No.
  • DVD
Monday 23rd July 2001
Metro Goldwyn Mayer