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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Romantic comedy about destiny and the possibilities of a chance encounter evolving into a close encounter of the happily-ever-after kind. Oliver (Ashton Kutcher) and Emily (Amanda Peet) set off sparks as opposites who attract and have a one-flight stand from LA to New York. When the trip's over, they are too - and both move on but can't really let go. As they search for love that doesn't end in disaster, they keep finding each other. And while the chemistry that first brought them together keeps generating heat, the timing is always wrong. AMAZON.CO.UK REVIEW The words "subtle" and "Ashton Kutcher" rarely appear in the same sentence, but here goes: A Lot Like Love, a romantic comedy starring Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet, is surprisingly and pleasantly subtle. The story starts when Emily and Oliver meet on a flight to New York and have a tryst in the airplane bathroom. After a day's dalliance, they part and don't meet again for four years--when they meet, spend a day together, part, and don't meet again until...you begin to get the idea. The script could have been dangerously cute, but director Nigel Cole (who helmed the delightful Calendar Girls) carefully steers Peet and Kutcher, two actors not generally noted for their grasp of character nuance, towards fairly three-dimensional portrayals of two floundering twentysomethings who can't seem to find the right moment. There are a few rom-com cliches--at one point, Oliver serenades Emily in front of an audience of her neighbors--but most of the movie is low-key, engaging, and smacks of actual human experience. --Bret Fetzer, Amazon.com

Product Details

A Lot Like Love
Cat No.
  • DVD
Monday 24th October 2005
Walt Disney