Doctor Who Boxset - Beneath The Surface - The Silurians / The Sea Devils / Warriors of the Deep [DVD] | Echo's Record Bar Online Store

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION All three "Silurians"/"Sea Devils" stories in one quality box set. Two classic stories starring Jon Pertwee as the third Doctor, plus a third story starring Peter Davison as the fifth Doctor. Extras include three Commentaries, Isolated Music, Photo Galleries, Subtitles, Subtitle Production Notes and Radio Times billings. Plus trailers, "Making Of" Documentaries, Special Effects, Music, Location, and Restoration featurettes. AMAZON.CO.UK REVIEW Bringing together the trio of adventures featuring Doctor Who’s most famous underwater foes, the Beneath The Surface boxset has Sea Devils, Silurians, and adventures from both the Jon Pertwee and Peter Davison eras. It’s perhaps logical to get past the weakest of the three adventures in this set first, and that honour falls to the Peter Davison story, Warriors of the Deep. It’s not too bad though, even if it does display some of the silliness and budget constraints that helped define 1980s Doctor Who. It’s still fun, however, and worth a spin. The two Pertwee adventures are terrific, though, and the real highlights of the set. The Silurians finds Jon Pertwee relatively new to the role, and blessed with an adventure that boasts excitement, adventure and a very good script. But our favourite is nonetheless the second story, The Sea Devils, which also brings Roger Delgado’s take on The Master into the mix. It’s a tense, involving adventure, and one of the finest of the Jon Pertwee area. That’s not something to be said lightly, either. As is the norm with Doctor Who special edition DVDs, the set is then backed up with some terrific archive extras, along with commentary tracks and documentaries that all but justify the asking price alone. That you get two strong adventures and one reasonable one into the mix as well makes this one of the best classic Doctor Who boxsets released to date. Highly recommended. --Simon Brew

Product Details

Doctor Who Boxset - Beneath The Surface - The Silurians / The Sea Devils / Warriors of the Deep
Cat No.
  • DVD
Monday 14th January 2008