Doctor Who - The Brain Of Morbius [DVD] | Echo's Record Bar Online Store

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Another classic episode from Tom Baker's much-loved stint as Doctor Who. The planet Karn is home to a mystic black-robed Sisterhood, whose sacred flame produces an elixir of life. But it's also home to Solon, a fanatical scientist who is using the remnants of spaceship crash victims to put together a new body for the still-living brain of the executed Time Lord criminal Morbius. When the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) arrive on the planet, Solon decides that the Doctor's head might just be what he needs to complete his dastardly work. AMAZON.CO.UK REVIEW Tom Baker and Elisabeth Sladen join forces for this latest classic Doctor Who release. And in The Brain Of Morbius, the pair find themselves on the planet Karn, where they encounter not only the mysterious Sisterhood, but also a scientist by the name of Solon. Solon, it turns out, is a bit of a problem, as he’s busy trying to find the parts, Frankenstein-style, to put together a new body for Morbius. Morbius--you still following this?--is a once-executed criminal Time Lord, who now only exists in brain form. Hence, as you probably put together, The Brain Of Morbius, a story that digs into the Time Lords a little, and also makes for an entertaining four episodes. The adventure is best taken in the spirit of old-style Doctor Who, as it’s a lot of fun, with the odd logic gap that you need to cut it a little bit of slack for. And, to be fair, some of the sequences really make the most of the comparably tiny budget, to very good effect. Backed by an excellent supporting cast, The Brain Of Morbius is a welcome Doctor Who release, and an ambitious, engaging story from the mid-1970s. Coupled with good extra features, it’s well worth your time, whether old Who fan or new. --Jon Foster

Product Details

Doctor Who - The Brain Of Morbius
Cat No.
  • DVD
Monday 21st July 2008