Pacific - The True Stories [Blu-Ray] | Echo's Record Bar Online Store

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Pacific - The True Stories  Blu-Ray - REVB2566

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The Pacific War was the largest naval conflict in history. Across the huge expanses of the Pacific Ocean, the two most powerful navies in the world found themselves locked in a death struggle. From the Arctic conditions in the Aleutians, to the appalling heat and swelter of the South Pacific, every conceivable type of naval activity was represented: carrier aviation battles, surface engagements, bitterly fought night-battles, the largest amphibious landings of the entire war and the stealthy, brutal battles waged by and against submarines. This blu-ray includes rare combat footage, exclusive interviews with veterans from both sides, rare commentaries from the Doolittle raiders and discussions with a number of key insiders - including one of the planners of the attack on Pearl Harbour. Hell in the Pacific: The True Stories is the complete and unique story of the last great naval campaign in history. Episodes Comprise: 1. Rule The World 2. Attack at Dawn 3. Running Wild 4. The Giant Awakes 5. The Check Thrust 6. The Tide Turns 7. Island of Death 8. War Beneath the Sea 9. Tightening the Noose 10. I Cease Resistance

Product Details

Pacific - The True Stories
Cat No.
  • Blu-Ray
Monday 7th June 2010
Revolver Entertainment
Documentary Special Interest