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101 Films presents haunted house hazing horror Hell Night (1981), released on Blu-ray for the first time in the UK and title 020 on the 101 Films Black Label. Directed by Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls, Angel III: The Final Chapter), this slasher classic benefits from a talented young cast including Linda Blair (The Exorcist), Vincent Van Patten (Rock ‘N’ Roll High School), Peter Barton (Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter) and Kevin Brophy (The Seduction). As an initiation rite into Alpha Sigma Rho fraternity, four pledges must spend a night in Garth Manor, twelve years to the day after the previous resident murdered his entire family. Two of the pledges, Marti and Jeff ignore the rumors that the now-deserted mansion is haunted by a crazed killer, until one by one, members of their group mysteriously disappear. Could this be a part of a fraternity prank ... or is a demented former tenant seeking revenge? When this seemingly innocent night turns deadly, these college students will do anything to survive Hell Night. Special Features * Transfer from a 4K scan of the best surviving archival 35mm film print with minor SD inserts to replace missing footage * Linda Blair: The Beauty of Horror * Hell Nights with Tom DeSimone * Peter Barton: Facing Fear * Producing Hell with Bruce Cohn Curtis * Writing Hell with Randy Feldman * Vincent Van Patten and Suki Goodwin in conversation * Kevin Brophy and Jenny Neumann in conversation * Gothic Design in Hell Night * Anatomy of the Death Scenes * On Location at Kimberly Crest * Theatrical Trailer * TV Spots * Radio Spots * Photo Gallery

Product Details

Hell Night
Cat No.
  • Blu-Ray
Monday 27th December 2021
101 Films