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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FRESH celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who are re-inventing our food system. Each has witnessed the rapid transformation of our agriculture into an industrial model, and confronted the consequences: food contamination, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, and morbid obesity. Forging healthier, sustainable alternatives, they offer a practical vision for a future of our food and our planet". "Among several main characters, FRESH features urban farmer and activist, Will Allen, the recipient of MacArthur s 2008 Genius Award; sustainable farmer and entrepreneur, Joel Salatin, made famous by Michael Pollan s book, The Omnivore s Dilemma; and supermarket owner, David Ball, challenging our Wal-Mart dominated economy". REVIEW "A film that celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who are re-inventing our food system.Fresh featured a cast of real life characters who literally spend every minute of every day inspiribg the world to change our relationship with food By examining the massive flaws of fast food and superstores, Fresh proved that eating local and organic is truly the answer to long term physical and planetary health". --Ecorazzi ."Fresh, a 70-minute outing by Swiss-born filmmaker Ana Sofia Joanes, deserves its title, in the sense that it offers a fresh break from the tedium of witnessing one food-industry devastation after another. By a long shot, this ray of hope represents the film s greatest asset the streak of originality that not only makes Fresh pleasant to watch, but gives one a sense of unlimited potential for growth and social change within the food system. What I like about director Ana Sofia Joanes s 72-minute documentary is that it concentrates more on solutions to fixing our food system than its problems. The bad news is there but thankfully Joanes serves it at the beginning, with food-knowledgeable guests such as author Michael Pollen sounding off on monocrops, processed foods, and nutrient overload. The rest of the film is a several-course meal of hope designed to give those hungry for change a few ideas to chew on". --Julie Laibach (Audubon)

Product Details

Cat No.
  • DVD
Monday 22nd February 2016
Special Interest